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Installer files

There is no download link for installers available. A ready to use installer for windows only is available with the name “gaithd-windows.exe” saved in the „D-folder“ in the gaitlabs intranet.

Installation process

After starting of the installer (double click on the „exe-file“) you will see the following panel and you have to press the “next” button:

At the following panel you can change the default folder where the application is installed and you can descide if shortcuts should be created.

If the folder exists and is not empty you can not go the next panel before you have changed the folder to an apropiate one which ist new or if it exists which is empty.

During the installation process the follwing panel is shown:

And if the installation process is finished it looks the the following and you can descide if you want to start the application immideatly or not.


The application contains commercial modules. Thats why a licence manager is included. An activated network licence is saved and the application starts only on the PCs of the Heidelberg gaitlab. No activation for fresh installations on PCs in the gaitlab Heidelberg is needed. If the application asks you for activation the licence file is accidently deleted or moved away.


To process data with a model you first Need a „Project“. A Project is a Folder with a set of subfolders which include mainly XML-files to describe what to do. You can open an existing Project and modify its content inside the GaitHdTools application. You can open more than Project. But only one of them must be defined as main Project.

Open the the context menu in the Projects tab by right-click of the mouse and choose one of the open projcts as a main Project. The Name of the Project is shown in bold faces in the list of Project in the Projects tab.


Bug and feature requests can be reported via MantisBT, a bug tracking tool. Please ask Oliver Rettig to create an account.

In the reporting mask shown in the picture above do not forget to set the project in the combobox to „GaitHdApp“.

installation.1713625867.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/04/20 17:11 von