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This is a clone of what the PiGMo10 „modelscript“ in MoMo calculates, based on the Vicon PiG model. So the complete pipeline from the raw data, to the sheets and to the exported hd-asc files used bei HeiDataProVIT is possible to substitute MoMo. Only some testing and finetuning to make the pipeline more robust is need for daily usage.

Gait with functional centers/axes

This projects add functional center/axes determination to the default Vicon PlugInGait model. It works together with the old Vicon Workstation and also with new new Vicon Nexus system.

Additional to the ScoRE/SARA functional method implementation of Vicon several mathematical methods are available and the phases, which are used as input for the estimation, can be controlled by setting of events in the dynamic calibration trials.

To process the data specific dynamic calibration trials must be done and its specific eclipse entries must be set:

Name Value Description
CLASS Static_Cal Static standing trial, typically used with knee alignment device
SIDE Side R, Side L, bds

projects.1714064266.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/04/25 18:57 von